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Welcome to the Diversity, Identity, & Prejudice (DIP) Lab!

​We will not be admitting PhD students into the lab in the coming cycle (for a fall 2025 start). Good luck to all applicants!

Lab dinner Sep 2022

Diversity, Identity, & Prejudice Lab

The Diversity, Identity, & Prejudice Lab is directed by Dr Teri Kirby. Broadly, research in the lab spans a range of topics on diversity, inclusion, intergroup relations, and prejudice, particularly drawing on social psychological theories of self/identity and acculturation. Much of our research examines how majority group efforts to adapt to minority groups facilitate or hinder inclusion and positive intergroup relations, as well as the reverse process (minority groups adapting to the majority group). We draw on and develop new social psychological theory with an eye to understanding current social issues, particularly related to racial, ethnic, gender, and LGBTQ+ diversity.


If you’d like to learn more about research in the lab, please click on “Get involved” for more information!

Contact information:
Department of Psychological Sciences, Purdue University 
703 3rd Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907
United States

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